Baby Loss Awareness Week - Gertrude Shares her Experience
Unless we start talking and having this conversation, it’s going to be the same for our daughters, our daughters’ daughters. So, I’m happy to get the ball started.
Gertrude, PACT Mum
A lot of things need to be done, it should be open for everyone to discuss, it shouldn’t be a taboo subject… Because I wanted to share my experience, I wanted to tell people what I was going through, but I had no one, people were scared to ask me or even engage in the conversation because they didn’t want to upset me.
Gertrude, PACT Mum

Baby Loss Awareness Week is an opportunity to “break the silence and call for improvements in services, care and support for families affected by the death of a baby.” Light A Candle – Baby Loss Awareness Week (
We invite everyone to join the global “Wave of Light” on 15th October. Join other families across the world by lighting a candle at 7pm local time and leaving it burning for at least one hour to remember all babies that have died too soon.
More information:
Wave of Light – Baby Loss Awareness Week (

At PACT we are committed to opening spaces for conversations around this subject and will be exploring how we can do that with our families.
If you or anyone you know needs support around baby loss you can find support here:
There is a list of more organisations here: