Family Food Club Online 15th May 2020
Mohana's Vegetable Pancake Recipe
Mohana has made this fantastic video to make her delicious family favourite at home. Check below for ingredients and instructions.
1 cup whole-wheat flour
1 teaspoon sugar
¾ cup fresh beans, chopped
¾ cup carrot chopped
¼ cup onion, chopped
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground pepper
1 ½ cups water (as needed)
Salt, to taste
Oil or butter for frying
1- Mix all ingredients in a bowl add water until the consistency is good for a pancake
2- Heat the oil or butter in a pan, pour one scoop of the batter into the pan and spreadout thinly, cook on both sides until brown
Hayley's Simple Vegie Pasta Recipe
Hayley cooked this dish with her son's help and wanted to share it with the PACT community because it's super simple, healthy and her children love it! Also, it's great if you can get your children involved in cooking it like Hayley did.
Serves: 2
2 Cups pasta, cooked
1 large tomato, chopped
1 pepper (any colour), chopped
1 tablespoon tomato paste/puree
2 tablespoons water
Cheese to serve

1- Chop the tomato and pepper into large pieces
2- Place all ingredients into a blender (except for cheese and pasta)
3- Mix the sauce into the pasta and heat on the hob
4- Add cheese to serve (Hayley also added some meatballs)