Mena from Babies@MumSpace
Mena from Babies@MumSpace
by Mena Amnour
Interest Bottles/ Shakers
Sensory play is crucial to a child’s development. For babies, they explore through their senses; sight, smell, hearing, and taste. An interest bottle provides these sensory elements.
You can use beads, pom poms, sequins, coloured water, beans etc. Older children can decorate them from the outside. The bottles easily help to engage a baby if it is shaken. Use a small bottle for baby to hold and let them explore the sights and sound of the bottle. Crawling babies love to follow the rolling bottles and toddlers can use them as skittles! Make a small hole at the top of the bottle to allow baby to post things through. If you make tiny holes in the lid; you can add coffee beans and herbs.
Always be sure to sure to supervise your child when making and using with the bottles. I superglue to the tops of bottles just to be sure.