Babies @ MumSpace
Babies @ MumSpace
A welcoming and friendly group for parents and Under Ones.
A welcoming and friendly group for parents and Under Ones.
Babies @ MumSpace
We are a welcoming and friendly group for parents and Under Ones. You can meet other parents, share experiences and create a network of support. We provide a safe and stimulating environment for your children to play. Each week we have a special time for parents to discuss a relevant issue.
Available in Southwark.
What to expect when you join our groups

Face to Face Groups
All of our groups follow our Covid safety guidelines, which you can find here: keeping safe
- When you come in you’re always greeted with a friendly smile and you will be asked to sign in
- If it is your first time, once you’ve settled in a volunteer will help you to fill in a registration form and we’ll explain how our groups work
- There is space to park your buggy (you can bring your buggy in with you if your baby’s asleep
- Come in and join in the group, we’ll introduce you and help you settle in, there is space and toys for your children to play
- There will be an opportunity to do an activity together (e.g story time)
- There are baby changing facilities and bathrooms available
- Most families walk or take public transport to our groups, generally parking is not easy around our venues!

Online Groups
- Our groups are usually on zoom
- Registered parents will receive a link for the online groups in weekly reminders, we use the same link for each group session
- If you would like to join but are not registered, please contact us and we will call you to register you and give you more information about our groups
- Sessions are usually an hour, it’s not easy to juggle zoom and babies but it’s great if you join at the start
- When you join the session you can do so with your video on or off, although we love to see everyone’s faces!
- There will be an opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves and say hello
- We have different activities every week, such as wellbeing for parents, sensory and creative activities for the babies
- There is usually an opportunity to share and reflect (for example, how your week has been)
For more information or if you would like to attend please contact Mena Amnour:
Tel: 07534 727316