A weekly group for parents to build a supportive network and give their children a space to play.
A weekly group for parents to build a supportive network and give their children a space to play.
Available in Southwark and North Tyneside.
Becoming a parent can change your life entirely. But for many, that change is hard. We believe parents have a crucial role in raising our next generation. By supporting parents, we’re also supporting our children to grow up healthy and happy as part of a warm, welcoming community.

Join our weekly groups
We run weekly MumSpace groups for parents with babies and under fours.
They are welcoming and friendly groups for parents to socialize, create a network of support for themselves and provide a space for their children to play. Each week we have a special time for parents to discuss a relevant issue. A Health Visitor also attends these groups to provide advice and signpost parents to other services.
Please see our calendar of events for the most up-to-date timetable.

For more information or if you would like to attend our groups please contact Rose Peake:
Tel: 07821 447526

For more information or if you would like to attend please contact Wendy McConnell:
Tel: 07950426786