Menu Under Ones
Under Ones
PACT has special groups for under ones to join and other fun activities, you can also connect with services like Baby Bank and Rose Vouchers, scroll down to find out more.

A welcoming and friendly group for parents and under ones. You can meet other parents, share experiences and create a network of support.

Check out our PACT calendar to see all of our activities with parents and children.
Useful Resources

Baby Bank
The Baby Bank offers families who need extra support with good quality equipment and clothes for babies and children aged 2.

Rose Vouchers
Rose Vouchers for Fruit & Veg Project helps families on low incomes to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

Health Start
If you’re pregnant or have children under the age of 4 you can get free vouchers or payments every 4 weeks to spend on food and milk.
Mindful parenting - tricks to stay calm
PACT parent Abieyuwa shares tips on how to stay calm when parenting

Sensory Play with Mena
Mena shares how to make interest bottles and shakers for sensory play.
Playing with Cornflour
Mena shares a great trick for playing with cornflour. It's a great sensory activity that you can try at home.